Monday, May 14, 2007

A Crazy...

Ok, I am back. This morning with the computer crashing, I kind of wondered what I should do about keeping everyone's blog addresses and e-mail addresses handy and off the computer so that would still be able to contact you all again. I mean, if the computer goes, with all my favorites etc. then I am a lost ice berg slowly melting in a sea of computer jumble! Just write everything in a handy notebook? (Flylady: Control journal) What do you do?

Since this started out as a crazy sort of day I'm going to tell you about myself. I was tagged a couple of weeks ago by Connie and by Teodo to write seven things you don't know about me but although some of my idiosyncrasies are humorous or interesting, others are scary to me and I worry that you'll think I'm a real nut case.

In no particular order:
  • I have a phobia of animals. How can this be? She has 4 cats and a dog! What I mean is that I can not stand to think of an animal in distress so I am afraid of empty cardboard boxes by the roadside (could be a box of kittens or puppies). I refuse to go down streets for at least two weeks if I've spotted a stray animal. I can not read or watch movies or TV programs about animals. I refuse to go into a pet shop, zoo or circus.
  • I was a fairly good chess player as a child and won a chess championship but now when I start a chess game I get heart palpitations.
  • I played the organ and pipe organ until I was in college yet I cannot read music nor play the piano nor have played for over 30 years.
  • I try to get into bed by 9:30 every night. (My husband thinks this is a serious idiosyncrasy!)
  • I have absolutely no brain for numbers. I cannot remember times, dates, prices, measurements etc. They can be way off the wall and I won't notice. (I'm very good at remembering names though).
  • I dislike love stories.
  • As a child my family traveled during the summers and I've been mistaken as being Mexican, Italian, Eskimo, Malaysian, Thai, Filipino, and Hawaiian. A regular chameleon! In Japan, although the Japanese recognize me as being foreign, the foreigners I speak to always think I'm a Japanese wanting to practice my English. "You speak very good English my dear."
Anyone else who would like to join in the Seven Things You Don't Know About Me game... Consider yourself Tagged!


Jane Weston said...

That's interesting. I've very good with numbers and maths, but I can not for the life of me remember names..I'm forever saying..."remind me of your name" It's embarassing when I've met the same people over and over! My youngest daughter is showing signs of being the same!

Tazzie said...

Hi there Tanya, I wondered the same thing about computer crashes etc. I was told about bloglines by a fellow blogger. It keeps track of your fave blogs and lets you know if they're updated. It's just the best thing, and you can log in from any computer.
Have a great day

Connie said...

Tanya, I'm not sure how to back up your information but I suppose if I were in that situation I would definitely make a printout or a hand-written list of the addresses I couldn't bear to lose, just in case. And the Bloglines is a great way to keep organized on your favorite blogs list as Tazzie wrote. I hope your computer doesn't go that far though! I loved reading your list, it was very interesting! I hope things work out with the computer!