Thursday, September 06, 2007


I promised I wouldn't to this to you again but here I am talking about bugs once more.

I went to the kindergarten as usual yesterday and all the T-shirts just caught my eye. Unfortunately I'd forgotten my camera so these pictures were taken on my cell-phone. The kids were so flattered to be asked to pose for the "camera". You can see there really is a fixation on bugs for Japanese kids!

And as a last gross out. Look what Cleo caught when he went out on the veranda yesterday. This is a locust! (Nope! Wrong! Melinda caught me on that and informed me that Cleo had actually caught a cicada! Thank you Melinda!) I had opened door to hang up the laundry and Cleo dashed out and back in with this poor cicada in his mouth making a terrible racket at being captured! Of course that brought all the other cats running to see what the ruckus was about but Cleo took his prey and hid under the table. I rescued the cicada who was in such a state of shock it just sat on my hand while I took its picture. I let it go in the forest.

Cleo was completely disgusted with me.


Quilt Pixie said...

Cleo does seem to angry at being questioned as the hunter protector... :-)

Shelina said...

Was it a special day causing everyone to wear insect shirts or was it a coincidence?

peggy said...

I LOVE the picture of Cleo, now my favorite kitty. It says it all.

mereth said...

oh boy, he's cross! My cats used to drag in huge moths that they caught, about as big as that, and then proceed to crunch them up. As they were so hard and spiky and indigestible this was usually followed by the cats throwing up, sigh. And surly they can't taste good?

anne bebbington said...

Boy - did you get on the wrong side of that cat!!!
The locust is enormous - I didn't realise they came in XXXXL

Lazy Gal Tonya said...

that was mine, mine! give it baaaack. cool t-shirts!

Laurie Ann said...

Ha ha! She does look pretty put out that you took away her prey. That's a big bug!!

meggie said...

Wow! Tanya if looks could kill!
The T shirts are really cool. SG would love one like that.

Melinda said...

Actually, it's a cicada. We have these all around, and I was wondering what it was. A locust looks more like a giant grasshopper with a big back end. A katydid (which I thought was a "Southern" pronunciation of cicada) looks like a green leaf looking grasshopper. What you have is a cicada. And MY! Are they ugly or what?


Helen said...

Now this one I can handle :-)