Friday, July 27, 2012

Saying good-bye

We said our good-byes to Tetsu at the airport yesterday. Oh dear, tears a plenty.

Considering that Tetsu only gets here once every four years... my mother's comment,

"I guess I'll see you next time..." broke down the dam.

In the last couple of days we squeezed in a couple things that Tetsu had especially wanted to do...

Tetsu and Leiya and I visited an assisted living center and took a tour of the facilities. Tetsu went home with hundreds of photos and a few ideas that he might be able to incorporate in the convalescent home where he works.

We were impressed by the colorful murals along the walls,

and all the center's animals that seem to wander freely. So many little (and huge) differences in the concept of convalescent care...

All together this summer, Tetsu got to spend 10 days with Takumi and Leiya and all my family. I wonder if Tetsu will be relieved to get back to Japan where he doesn't have to depend on everyone and doesn't have to feel left out when he is the only one not understanding the hilarity.

I think he is happy to see Takumi and Leiya content and adjusted to American life. In one way it is so satisfying to see how they think and interact and cope; in another way, it probably makes Tetsu feel that there is really very little fatherly advice or help that he can give them.

Hopefully the kids will plan a visit back to Japan in the not so distant future...

Now, I'm staying in California for another two weeks... and we have a plan to go to the Long Beach International Quilt Festival tomorrow!

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