I got quite a lot of quilting done yesterday and have now finished quilting three name quilts. I'm working on Noah's now. Of course I still have binding to attached when I finish quilting so the end isn't in sight yet but I'm plugging away. Today was a busy day so though I took my quilting with me into Utsunomiya I didn't get more than three or four stitches put into it. Maybe tonight after English. Did I mention that my fingers are sore from all this quilting. Tonya doesn't use a hoop but that means the index and middle fingers of my left hand gets pricked a lot and so they are sore. The right hand's index finger is sore too from pulling the needle (but I do use a thimble on the right hand. I have trouble with a thimble on the left hand when I'm not using a hoop. I don't know why.)
Anyway, I don't have anything to show so maybe I'll put up a picture of this year's bazaar quilt since I started blogging after the bazaar. I'm in charge of deciding next year's bazaar quilt so I spend a lot of time looking around the internet for possible patterns...