As for the tale of the rest of Saturday's bus trip, (after the remodeling fair) we spent a nice afternoon in the famous Chinatown
Monday, April 30, 2007
Golden Week
As for the tale of the rest of Saturday's bus trip, (after the remodeling fair) we spent a nice afternoon in the famous Chinatown
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Toilet talk
In honor of the day and after looking at all the new-fangled plumbing options I'm going to explain a little more about yesterday's picture. Quilting Fitzy mentioned something about the toilet Patora was sitting on so hang on to your belt, I'm telling you about toilets today. Whopee!
I spent some time in Japan when I was a college student and one of my first rememberances is when all the American foreign students gathered in a room and debated about how to use a Japanese toilet. Even in the department stores they have the semi-traditional toilets and it was a matter of looking at this thing and trying to figure out which way you faced, how you aimed (women this is a challenge) and not fall down in the process. I'm including a picture I took when I helped a school girl write a report about Japan. No, I usually don't take pictures of toilets.
Japanese have mastered the art of squatting with their heels on the ground and knees high around their necks. This is not a position that most foreigners can manage at all, not to mention for the amount of time it takes to use a toilet. I still have to grab on to walls and pipes around me so that I don't fall backwards or worse yet in! It is also very difficult to keep one's pant legs or skirt off the ground and who knows how the ladies with kimono manage it! Thankfully, there are many options besides the traditional toilet nowadays.
Another absolutely wonderful feature of Japanese toilets is that the seats are heated! Ladies, this is heaven! A toasty warm throne to sit on and it is even temperature adjustable. This is really nice in Japan because we don't "waste" heat by heating the whole house, just a room at a time so the bathroom in the winter is icy cold. Lovely invention the heated toilet seat!
I must admit that I am really outdated because most of my friends' toilets do fascinating things like shoot water up at you for personal cleaning (do not let a child near this button. They will inevitably want to play in the fountain.) Some bathrooms have lights that turn on automatically and the toilet lid smoothly raises when you enter the room (like an invisible butler... Anyone in here besides me?) Some toilets have lights around the tank bottom so you know where to sit in the dark. (I don't know why) Some toilets flush automatically. One feature I absolutely refuse to use is the little button that you can push that will play the sound of a toilet flushing. This is to cover up nature's true sounds. People were needlessly flushing (and using water) so the toilet people put in this fake flushing sound. This seems to be a big feature in the newer schools in Japan too. Kids too embarrassed to go because they can be heard in the next stall! Good grief!
At yesterday's fair we saw many examples of the toilets of tomorrow. Some that adjust in height depending on the person using it, others that push you to a standing position when you're finished. Some toilet rooms were enhanced with a TV and a touch tone internet screen so that you can do your business while you do your business.
Ah... I wonder if I want to live long enough to see the new toilet wonders in my own house!
I hope to have a more refined topic for tomorrow's post.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wonky Word quilt
Look what I've got today!!!! I'm so proud of myself! Of course, I have no idea what it is. It will be too small for a bed quilt and too large for a wall hanging. The good catch-all term lap quilt I guess! But look at the colors and look and the words! Do you see those undeceipherable squiggles here and there? That is Japanese! Yeah me!!! I got four Japanese words "written" in the simplest form of the language into my quilt! I just had to put it all together today!
What do they say? The first one (in green) says ganko. "Stubborn". Why would I want that word in Leiya's quilt? It is sort of a family joke that she is very stubborn in her opinions but it actually can mean that a person stands up for what he believes and has good connotations.
The next word (in lavender) says ganbariya. It means "stickler" and has the nuance that the person will stick with something and not give up.
The next light green word says sunao. This means "obedient" and no, not like an obedient dog. It sort of has the nuance of a caring person who will be cooperative.
The last lavender word says doryokuka and this means a "hard-worker" or someone who puts out a lot of effort.
So there you have a Japanese lesson!
Now, what to do about the borders. For sure a small dividing border in black but after that? Any ideas? Go bright? I have some of that bright fabric that the "happy" is in and I could make a narrow border of that. Anything else I'm going to have to go buy at a fabric store. I can't get batiks in Japan, and probably not any true dyed fabric but some of those fern fossils fabrics are available in limited colors. What to do? What to do?
How about quilting? Should I quickly get it done by machine or spend some time hand quilting around the words (stitch in the ditch)? Then I could do something fancy around the border too? What to do? What to do?
Do you get the idea that my brain has stalled!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Bazaar quilt coming along!
Today is Thursday and I was with my quilting friends today! We are getting along quite well on the bazaar quilt. The main part of the top is made and we were sewing centers to the applique flowers (for the borders) while we chatted today. Still a bit of homework for us to do, but I think by the next meeting we'll have it at the flimsy stage. We are very pleased with how "cute" it looks. It's a busier quilt than we've made before but I'm sure it will be very striking when it is completed.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tanya's calligraphy!?
A couple of weeks ago I made contact with Tonya. Let's say I started out as a lurker on her blog, then finally got up courage to leave a comment. But she is so "famous" (in the patchwork blogging world) that I doubted if she realized she had another admirer. One reason I commented was because I was so blatantly copying one of her quilts and sooner or later I'd want to post it and someone was bound to notice that it is her quilt. I felt I needed to let her know I was using her ideas. This is the Wonky Word quilt that I've shown block pictures now and then.
Tonya wrote back and said she'd read some of my past blogs especially about how Japanese words and English words had different nuances, and she suggested I put the words in the quilt in Japanese. At least Leiya and I would know what I was writing (she's going to be the recipient of the quilt). Wow, that was an idea! Tonya was interested in what Japanese writing looked like so I sent her a picture of some of my printing. Tonya laughed and agreed that this may be harder than expected but I could at least try to make Japanese words using the English romanized system (is everybody following this?) I got to thinking. Wait a minute, I wonder if I really could use Tonya's system and make Japanese characters? So this weekend I tried.
Yeah! I did it! I actually made two Japanese wonky words! Now this may not look like anything to the rest of you but these really are characters albeit the simplest system of writing in Japan.. I'm so proud of myself and even though I gave myself a headache from all the figuring, I am planning to make two more wonky Japanese words and add them to my Wonky Word Quilt.
Well, it is not the calligraphy you saw yesterday, but it is my wonky Japanese calligraphy and I am thrilled!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Japanese calligraphy
Do you know what this is? This is called Shinsousenjinmon. It is a work of calligraphy written with brush and ink. This work is made of 1000 Chinese characters and together they make up different phrases. This particular piece of calligraphy is written in gold ink and I have to make the ink myself. Before I begin to write, I must mix together gold dust, gelatin and hot water. This gold ink (in Japanese it is called kindei) is easily affected by temperature and humidity and when the room gets cold, kindei thickens. When the air is dry, it evaporates and the ink won’t stay on the brush. Kindei doesn't go on paper as well as normal ink, so it was very difficult for me to use it. I wrote this using a very fine brush and it took me five months to write. The black paper is divided into 1000 squares and the squares are 3 centimeters. by 2.5 centimeters. Altogether there are 1000 characters and I practiced at least 1500 times. In total I wrote 2500 characters!!!! No mistakes are allowed when doing this work so if I made a mistake I’d have to start over completely! I didn’t make any mistakes but by the end I was going crazy!!!!
Right now, I’m practicing a work of 1700 words. It will be with normal black ink but still it is very difficult. However I’ll do my best!
Monday, April 23, 2007
A real beauty
I was in California on a yearly visit when I remembered that a local quilt guild had a quilt show every other year in the summer and maybe this was the year. My mom called around and found out that the show was that very weeked, so we went the next day and I drooled over the fabrics and quilts. Now this is a fairly small quilt show but even so they had this spectacular quilt hanging at the front of the room and of course I bought a raffle ticket. I always buy a raffle ticket when I see a quilt being raffled whether it is at a quilt show (I haven't been to too many) or at a street fair etc. Since I do a yearly raffle for the kindergarten bazaar, I know how much work goes into a quilt, how much the proceeds are appreciated.
Two weeks later, I did go to the guild and thank them in person and wrote a thank you letter to the president etc. I had one request; that they send me a label to sew onto it since there was no information about the quilt whatsoever. Unfortunately, they never did get around to this step, and so I have no label on the quilt, I don't know the exact name of the quilt guild, nor who were the amazing appliquers who made it. That is why labels are important girls! If not for my pictures, I wouldn't even know when I won the quilt! But it graces my livingroom (this month) and I love looking at it daily! Isn't it a beauty?!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Broken Window Syndrome
This morning, Tetsu and I went out on the main road and picked up litter along the road. This is our regular Saturday or Sunday morning activity.
Long ago I read about the Broken Window Syndrome. This is a theory that if a building has a broken window in it, soon the whole building and then the neighborhood will fall to pieces. If one window is broken, it is so much easier for the next vandal to break the next window and since there are two broken, the third vandal figures no one notices or cares anyway and so it goes. The building becomes broken down, somebody leaves an old sofa in front of it, next a paint can, some tires and the neighborhood goes to pot.
In my own home I can recognize that I become blind to the junk that piles up. If a juice glass is set on the coffee table, it is not long before there will be a pair of pliers, some nail clippers, a can of bug spray etc. Worse is realizing that the toolbox has been sitting by the chair for over two months and I didn't notice. Broken Window Syndrome.
The roads in my town are terribly littered. I think as the years go by the problem is becoming worse. I can't figure this out. The area we live in is gorgeous! The scenery, the peacefulness. But look down or peer into the forest and there are cans and plastic bottles and cigarette butts and plastic bags. Why don't the people care? Don't they see the litter? I know that the schools have tried addressing this problem and teaching morals to the school kids. They have a bi-annual garbage clean-up and the kids are taken to surrounding areas to pick up litter on the roads to the school. Parents get involved too, but in a few days it starts to accumulate again and sadly I've seen the very kids who were cleaning the week before, drop wrappers and cans on the street as they play.
Nearly ten years ago I started on a private campaign to clean up the country road and slowly, one bag a week it looks pretty good. Unfortunately there has never been a week when there was no garbage. Once Choco joined our family it was too hard to walk the dog and pick up garbage alone and so Tetsu took over the pick-up project. We consider it sort of a game. Who is the person who likes Cool Mint Chewing Gum so much? Wonder if the person who nightly throws out a beer can is alright, there aren't any beer cans this week. Someone must have caught a cold or else has hay fever, there are an awful lot of tissues today.
Another reason for picking-up litter is because I think seeing all this (or not seeing all this) is contaminating the minds and hearts of the people who go by. This is my own private Broken Window Syndrome theory and I'm not sure I can explain. The children who blindly walk by all the garbage on their way to school are getting the message that the person who
I need to go clean my sewing room now...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Show-You Wieners

- 1 or 2 packages of wieners or hot dogs or whatever
- Slice wieners into bite size pieces
- Put into sauce pan
- Add water (1 cup?)
- Add soysauce (1/2 cup?)
- Add sugar (4-8 tablespoons?)
- Add sweet rice wine, Mirin (1/4 cup?)
- Simmer until quite boiled down
- Serve over white rice
Friday, April 20, 2007
More kimono
This is a picture of Mrs. Yano and the kimono quilt that I gave to her last week. I did make one more thing from the kimono fabric that she had asked me to use. This very bright orange fabric with gold threads in it was the one that gave me a headache when I was making the kimono star quilt but I knew Kyoko-san really loved it and I must admit it made a nice accent to the quilt.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
An applique start
Look what I found when I went into my sewing room yesterday! Those cats! (I never know which one to blame!) They have no respect for my handwork! I had neatly ironed and layered my feathered star blocks and laid them reverently in the drawer (that may be taking things a bit far...) and someone managed to dig them out and leave them in a pile! Yes, the cat can open the drawer. I probably will never know who. Patora is still playing with my pincushions and for two days in a row I've found the pincushion in my armchair with pins laying around it. It's like someone has played "He loves me... he loves me not..." with my pincushion! I have to watch where I sit!
Lest people think I've stopped sewing, I'll show a picture of the feeble attempts at applique I'm doing. I love the applique Anne does and Judy does, and I really wanted to just be able to sit and applique quietly and turn out something wonderful like them. Unfortunately, I do not have pastels like Anne and I do not have folk type fabric like Judy and I'm too stingy to buy some more fabric for this and I do have a lot of fabric so I just pulled some scraps and am doing me which is not too interesting yet.
The most exciting thing recently is that I've been in touch with Tonya and she's helping me to get back on track with the word quilt that's been up on my wall for two months. I'm so excited to have contact with her and whatever she tells me to do I'm planning to do it! Wish me the best on that project!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesdays' teaching
Usually on Mondays I'll stop at the supermarket and buy some cookies or crackers or something we can eat with our coffee. If I'm especially industrious I'll make a cake or cookies or something. Quite often (almost every week?) one of the ladies will bring a sweet back from a trip she's taken or they will make something. Some weeks we have only my measly crackers and some weeks everybody has brought something so there is no room on the table for study materials! Just coffee and goodies! (Not good for my diet.)
And lastly, a picture of some little notebooks that one lady brought as presents! Last week, she had brought this nice memo notebook made from recycled paper and a bright Japanese print cover and we all had commented on how nice it was. She has a friend who makes these using the traditional book binding process and yesterday she brought a memo notebook for each of us from her friend! What a wonderful network of people I know!
By the way, I must apologize to any people who get
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
He came back late Friday night and yes he is a country bumpkin. He talked about all the foreigners walking along the streets (like he'd never seen one in his life! Yoo hoo! Hello? You're looking at one!) the speed of the Bullet Train etc. He even brought back dumplings which we enjoyed with hot tea. But... best of all he brought back books!
Now, I can buy English books if I go to the neighboring city, but they are quite expensive. Still, compared to thirty years ago when I had to have my mother send me books from the States, I feel like I have access at my fingertips. For years and years I'd just keep re-reading the old English books that I had in my bookcase. (Practically memorized some of them!) Of course the internet has made everything possible and my fingers sometimes push buttons on that website before I have a chance to think!
Anyway, Tetsu's gift to me from Tokyo was a stack of books he bought at a used English bookstore! Amazing! There are many used book stores in Japan but English! Oh, I would have been in heaven! My poor husband has no idea what he bought me. If it had a #1 on the cover page he bought it. That's why there are a couple Danielle Steele and John Grisham books, not that I'm particularly a big fan of either. I'm not complaining! Yeah! This will keep me occupied at least until summer when I'll stock up again during my trip to the States! Oh, and one more pat on the back for Tetsu. All the books he picked out were in English. In the past he's thought of me at a bookstore and bought me a book and I'd have to tell him the thought was sweet but the book is in French!
Isn't that interesting that even a used bookstore will "cover" all the books you buy? This is true of most book stores in Japan. Maybe the reader doesn't want people to know what he is reading. I've never seen this done in the States.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Rice fields
Today, I have some pictures of the scenery around my house. These were taken on my walk yesterday around 6:00 in the morning. We'd had a lot of rain and the mist coming off the hills and flooded rice fields added a sense of mystery to the morning. I couldn't figure out what all those dots were in the picture and I thought
The farmers are just beginning to flood their rice fields. Most of the fields have a well and pump house near them and when one field is flooded, they just open up a gate and the overflow goes into the next field.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Star of David Quilt
Friday, April 13, 2007
Cherry blossoms
Thirty-two 3 and 4 year olds were welcomed into the kindergarten. In Japan, there are three grades of kindergarten and halfway through the year another small class will be added. I would say 90% of Japanese children have at least two years of kindergarten starting at age 4 and maybe 50% start at age 3. To my American thinking, I wonder about the wisdom of making the kids leave their parents

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Well, so many of the people I respect and who have inspired me with their blogs have already been tagged (how are these poor people going to respond to the call?!) There are three, Bonnie, Tonya and Tazzie, whom I've even dreamed about at night, isn't that funny. Some blogs I read for fun, some blogs I read for the beautiful pictures, some I read for the cats, some for the dogs, some I "read" just trying to figure out what the person is saying in a different language (and if that doesn't take thinking I don't know what does!)

But here are a few of the blogs that have sent me back time and time again to check and recheck projects, thoughts, and instructions. Judy at Quilting with Ragdolls. She and Tazzie got me started on machine quilting just a few months ago. And her applique! Gorgeous! Anne at Quilting Bebbs, I fell in love with a quilt Anne was making and have been copy-catting her ever since. Fiona at Scraps in Progress, I think I've got three of Fiona's colorful quilts on my "To Do list"! Nancy at Blogging, Near Philidelphia, Nancy just gets me thinking about life, about experiences. I know to put on my thinking cap before I visit her blog. Norma at Silver Thimble Quilting. Norma has shown me how she does machine quilting using a walking foot and I love checking out her blog for her great techniques.
I wish I could add a few more and if you ask me again in a couple days I'm sure I'll have a couple that I'm just beginning to check out.
Thank you again Connie. Love you.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
So, a quick post. Yesterday I finished another feathered star! I keep posting pictures of each star but they all look the same even to my eyes. Connie asked me how I pieced them, and yes, they are hand pieced, that's why I have a goal of one a month. They are all in blue because I suppose when I started I was thinking of snow flakes or something but I'm getting tired of the blue now. Just one more to go! This one is especially nice because my friend Sachiko sent me some lovely Liberty fabric scraps and I just had to use the blue for this quilt. Liberty fabric certainly does sew up nicely! Cleo had to christen the block with a sit down only
Also started binding the Star of David Quilt and I hope to be able to show that to you tomorrow. Some mistakes with the machine quilting and I'm not sure I'm satisfied with this quilt or not but it was an experiment to start with so let's say I've learned some things.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Mabo Dofu
I'm really racking my brain to find something to post on today but I took pictures as I was cooking last night so how about a recipe (that I can't imagine anyone is going to try...) Last night's meal was Mabo Dofu which I suppose is actually Chinese. This is a no brainer for me. It is one of my family's favorites. I don't need a recipe since I can make it with my eyes closed. Usually I have ground meat on hand and tofu so I don't have to go shopping special, and I can make it in 15 minutes or less. Here goes...
150 gms ground meat
2 green onions (big thick ones. Maybe called leeks in some countries)
1 piece of fresh ginger about the size of your thumb
1 clove of garlic
Red pepper flakes (or a dried red pepper. The really spicy one)
1 Tbsp miso (fermented bean paste)
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp sake
1 Tbsp sugar
1 boullion cube
chili oil or sesame seed oil
corn starch
- Brown ground meat, add chopped green onions, ginger, garlic and red pepper.
- Add 1 cup water and flavorings
- Simmer 5 minutes
- Add tofu cut into cubes and heat through
- Thicken slightly with corn starch and add chili oil to desired spicyness
I'm assuming no one wants the recipe for jellyfish salad!