Leiya has been down in the dumps about summer homework and options for college. She's going to be taking college preparation courses yet she is just plodding through the reading she needs to be doing. I pointed out that if she can't get the pre-college work done she'll really have problems when she gets there! Too much summer vacation!
Takumi advises her about schools one way. "Stay in Ohio. You've got residency there. It costs too much for you to come to school in California. It doesn't matter what you major in."
I tell her something else. "If you want to be in California or somewhere else you should be looking at colleges out here. We'll worry about money later."
And of course Tetsu was giving her other advice when she saw him. "Finish all your schooling in America and then decide what you want to do."
I gather that Leiya's family in Ohio has given her advice too "Art is not really too practical."
Marcy gives advice "Major in what you like (art) and maybe you can get a scholarship."
A college student friend advises "Go in as undeclared and you can worry about your future later."
I guess Takumi's advice broke the camel's back and she ended up in tears yesterday.
On my morning walk I go past the elementary school. I think California schools are different (at least from Japanese schools) because they are spread out in little separate buildings instead of a big two or three story building.
As I went down one of the residential streets I noticed this hand-written sign and the pretty little garden.

A cheery little small town neighborhood. Not a lot going on.