The girls came and I showed them their quilts and they shyly smiled! I explained that the tasks for the day would be sewing the quilts on to the felt (first machine sewing), hiding the stitches with yarn and then making a label.
I take so much for granted when teaching these kids. For example, I explained they needed to pin the quilt to the felt and I'd show them how to work the sewing machine. They both stood there with a pin in their hands with a look on their faces...
"Pin? Where do we put this pin? Stab it from the back? Pin just the felt?"
I gave a lot of demonstrations and it would have been faster to do it myself but that wasn't the purpose of the task.
Machine sewing was fairly successful and then I gave the girls yarn and glue and made suggestions on how to hide the raw edge of the quilt. And finally they made a label and we glued it on to the back...
Over cake and cola I interviewed them.
"So, what do you think about sewing?"
(Please look at the floor, then the ceiling, then tip your head from side to side, then smile shyly, then make a silent plea for me to ask someone else, then finally whisper your answer.)
"Yes. I like it." "Just so-so."
"Okay. Do you like art in general?"
"Just so-so."
"What do you like doing the best?"
"Reading books." "Writing Chinese characters."
"How about this sewing project? What was the most difficult part of it?"
"Overlapping the pieces." "Putting on the roofs and windows."
"What was the most enjoyable part of doing this?"
"Putting on the yarn." (WHAT?) "Using the sewing machine." (WHAT? We used the sewing machine for two minutes!)
"If you did this again, what would you do differently?"
"Put in trees." "Use only solid fabrics."
"Do you think you could do this again by yourself?"
"Yes, I could." "No, I couldn't."
I suggested that the girls write me something about what they thought about their villages and sewing but neither wanted to do that. BUT, they did allow me to take their pictures! Wow! That's a breakthrough. On a previous project they had said no!
AND they said they want to do some more sewing next week! Next they want to try piecing! With all my headaches with these girls, why am I so happy that we will be doing more sewing together?