I finished! I put all the bindings on and am now done with that project. Yeah me! I have no idea what they are... Placemats, but they're too bumpy. Wall hangiings, I suppose though not too interesting. Oh well...
Since today is December 1st I thought I'd better get down some December goals. Tetsu's Christmas present is done, Leiya's is done. Takumi I'm not sure about. I have yarn but does he really need a muffler in Southern California? No. I started a name quilt for him. I have the "Takumi" part done. Do I want to hurry and do that this week?
I've put a goal of one prayer quilt top a month and of course that is a job that can be done at any time. There is no one in particular that I need to make one for but I'd like to have a stock of prayer tops so I think I'll make one in green this month. That's a one day job.
I can always go back to my feathered star blocks which have been put on hold for the last month. Furui-san won't be happy to hear that I've started again since she hasn't got even one done and we wanted to do them together.
Of course I have the quilting to do for the Autumn Blossom Quilt but that is an ongoing project that can be done in the evenings.
I have left over yarn and I've been inspired to make socks but do I want to start something completely out of my regular scope?
I still want to do Judy's gratitude quilt but I can't decide on a color scheme and at any rate don't have 3 meters of fabric. Do I want to buy more fabric?
I'd like to try the Wonky Houses quilt but I need to make a stock of 2" squares and strips. Maybe that should be put on hold for awhile.
Of course I could stop piecing for awhile and just cut up fabric. I'd like to reduce my scrap box to 31/2 in" and 2" strips and squares.
I want to do another wonky letter quilt this time that says something but I don't know what I want to say and that would mean buying fabric again.
I have all those fat quarters of batiks that I love but don't have a plan for yet. More time on the internet?
I could knit a scrap sweater for myself from left-over yarn. That's another long project that isn't really necessary.
Hmmm.... All these options and that's only half putting my mind to it. I guess I should rule out buying fabric for awhile. I need to work with what I have. Batiks. Scraps. Quilt in progress. That means go back to the Autumn Blossom in the evenings. Do Takumi's name quilt and who knows or cares when it gets done. Put aside a day next week; Tuesday afternoon or Thursday afternoon; to do the Prayer Quilt. Cut up scraps and who knows I may get myself a pile of 2" squares... Hmm none of these goals have a completion date. I guess that's ok too.
And as a reward for completeing my name quilts, go ahead and order fabric from Thosands of Bolts and get 3 meters of something for Judy's gratitude quilt. (And since to get the most for my money buy 3 different fabrics for a Wonky Letter Quilt.)
Sounds good to me!