Well, extra exercise today although thankfully not for any great length of time. Choco slipped her collar again and one of the neighbors noticed her in the forest. Off I went with collar and leash in hand running through the forest calling her. I finally spotter her racing down the road from the rabbit farm. Oh gosh! I'd better go check and see if she did any harm there! She was back near the neighborhood when I finally caught up with her but she wasn't about to come to me when I called her! Off she raced down the street so I got the car and started looking for her in the neighborhood. After two times around I finally found her and she warily came and got in the car after circling it a few times. What a morning! I am definitely going to go buy a harness for her today!
As for handwork, I finally finished the dumb socks I was working on. What a long project and I really didn't have such a great time doing it. I don't think I'll try socks again for awhile. I'm not even too happy with them and numerous times I was considering throwing the project in the garbage. I don't like to half finish things though, so even though it was a waste of time, I spent hours on them yesterday and they are done! Will I ever wear them? Who knows.
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