Friday, September 07, 2007

Typhoon No. 9

I have an unscheduled free day for myself. Typhoon #9 has hit Japan and is directly coming over our prefecture so all school was cancelled and the neighborhood is probably sleeping in. (The other 8 didn't come close enough for most of Japan to notice.) We tied down and folded up anything out in the yard that might cause damage if it got blown around. I brought Choco in early yesterday and she has been in the house ever since. No exercise for us today. Just a quick potty run this morning (...Choco) and we're back listening to the weather news. I was supposed to go in to teach a new class today but that was cancelled too so I can stay home snug and secure. I did my grocery shopping yesterday too so at least tonight's dinner is planned.

We are sure getting a lot of rain but not as much wind as with some typhoons. I always wonder about sleeping in the room next to the forest when we have typhoons but the wind and rain didn't wake me last night. One year one of the big trees blew down and blocked the road to our house so you can see why I might be leary of the forest. I left one of the windows slightly open for fresh air but now I have a puddle to mop up.The rain comes from all directions when a typhoon hits! I feel for the apple and pear farmers around here because if the wind is too strong the whole year of work can be for naught and the orchards will be littered with fallen fruit. I had planned to go buy pears at my friend's orchard today so I hope when I get there this weekend they'll report that they weren't hit too badly...

So, with this free day I should be sewing right? Right! The other thing on my schedule today was to get measuring and figuring help from Mrs. Furui but I guess I'll have to do my own computing. I was foresighted enough to wash some fabric yesterday so I'll probably start cutting into that. What am I making? Until last night I didn't know but I think I'm making a scrappy star quilt in somber colors. I was tending towards a pattern in one of my old magazines and this morning found that Bonnie was making nearly the same pattern and it was stunning. Ok. That's God telling me this is the way to go, so even though my colors aren't anything like Bonnie's nor the magazine's I'm going to make good use of my free day!

Well, I've tried to put a video on the blog again. Not so clear. Ah, and I seem to have debuted my voice. Oh thrill.


Quilt Pixie said...

may you Choco and the rest of the neighborhood stay as snug as bugs in rugs...

Keiko said...

This is my first trial to reach you through your blog.Because I tried to e-mail you several times but I couldn't it.
I love this kind of day, we can stay at home with needle, fabric and music! Here is my mail what I wanted to sent you below.

Yesterday I saw just your car at Mifumi. How are you?
I'm planing to make a prayers quilt for my friend. I'm interested in the patern
what you told me before "around the world"(?).
Could you give me some information about it?

On Tuseday I appreciate participation bazzar quilt at Ymaguchisan's house.
That's beautiful.

I keep checking your blog, it's so nice and photos are wonderful!

Have a nice day and take care of huge typhoon comming to our area!

I hope to see you soon.

Have a nice free day!!

Keiko S

CONNIE W said...

I hope that you are OK in the storm, that no damage is done. I enjoyed the video and loved hearing your voice!

Jane Weston said...

Those rain drops sound BIG. I hope you keep safe and that the trees stay put. BTW you've got a good radio voice.. :o)

Rose Marie said...

May all of you be safe, warm and dry!

dee said...

thanks for the video. It's so great to hear your voice. I hope you come through the typhoon without any problems and just get to enjoy a day of peace. Windy and wet, but peaceful

Shelina said...

I hope that the typhoon gives you the rain you need and then goes away without causing any damage. It was nice to hear your voice. I was expecting you to have picked up more of a Japanese accent after having lived there so long.

Elaine Adair said...

Thanks for the details about the typhoon. Based on the news we see here, we never know if what we're hearing is accurate.

Interesting to hear about the bug fascination ... ugh, but still interesting.

I also, had a cat named Cleo ... Cleocatra for short. We picked him off the side of the road and he lived with us for 26 more years!!! Amazing.

Laurie Ann said...

Great video! I'll have to give that a go. Rainey, windy weather is the perfect day for QUILTING! :)

Stay safe.

jovaliquilts said...

Definitely a stay indoors kind of day! Thanks for the video -- that was the first typhoon I've been in! ;)

Hope you stay safe and dry.

keslyn said...

Hope you are all safe and sound over there in Japan,
Take care