Monday, May 26, 2008

Abundant blessings

Dear Lord,
I'm confused about Leiya being in America. I don't have the confidence about the situation that I used to. I thought since the doors were opening for her to go and she was eager to go, that this was Your will. I thought that You were telling us to step out in faith (which You are still telling us) to trust You to make all things good and smooth. Yet once in Ohio I felt scared and unsure of the situation...

I pray that in Leiya's loneliness, she will turn to You and be able to see You working in her life. I pray the same prayer for me too. That I not lose sight of Your purpose. Give her strength each day, Lord.

"The Lord's loving kindnesses indeed never cease.
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning.
Great is Thy faithfulness."
Lam. 3:22-23

This is the prayer I prayed (and wrote in a journal) in August 2005 after I had just left Leiya in America to begin her three years of American high school. So many things I was worried about. Quite a few tears were probably shed on both sides of the ocean and Tetsu and I wondered if we'd been wrong in thinking that she could make the adjustments to living in a new culture, a new family, a new language.

God has blessed Leiya, and through her, us, many hundreds of times over with wonderful experiences, with new friends and ways of thinking, with a caring family and teachers, with times of hardships that turned out to be lessons for life.

Tomorrow Tetsu and I are joining Leiya and her host family for a week of joy and gratitude to God for helping her reach her goal of graduating from American high school. And we will continue to ask God to guide Leiya and protect her in her new life as an American college student.

"Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting.
He who goes to and fro weeping,
carrying his bag of seed,
Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy,
bringing his sheaves with him."
Psalms 126:5-6


Lindah said...

Dear Tanya, Isn't is just like the Lord to wipe away our tears and pour out the blessings, often in unexpected ways! I join you in praising him and thanking him for his leading, teaching, safekeeping and bringing about the successful completion of this goal for Leiya. Congratulations, Tanya! As a mother I can feel some of your joy.
Safe travel and Blessed reunion!

dot said...

What a great tribute to God, your family, and your situation. I can definately draw strength from this post and it is exactly what I needed today. I am struggling with issues with my daughter now and have been praying about it all day. The scripture you have posted is exactly what I needed. Thank-you.

artfilstitch said...

I know that sometimes we just have to trust and obey because there's no other be happy in JESUS, "Just To Trust And Obey."
One of my favorite Bible passages is Psalms 91. It promises God's protection for you and your family. As I read this , I know that:(1) GOD IS EVER PRESENT.He is closer than breathing, and nearer than hands or feet. We just have to reach for Him and accept his protection.(2) GOD WATCHES OVER YOU. The great kindly face of God is watching,guiding, protecting you and your loved ones wherever you or those dear to you may go.(3) GOD'S SECURITY IN AN INSECURE WORLD. God alone is steadfast and unchanginging in a world of pain and insecurity.
As I finish reading tonight, I place you and your family in His strong, capable hands, knowing that in those hands no harm can come, only good. "For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."
Safe Travels,

anne bebbington said...

When a journey is started the road often looks daunting - bumpy and twisted - thankfully on reaching the other end those twists and bumps seem smaller somehow and we wonder why we were so worried at the start. I admire you and Tetsu for having the courage to give Leiya this opportunity - your faith and braveness have surely been rewarded - I'm not sure I could be that courageous. Enjoy your time together - she is a real credit to you

CONNIE W said...

Congratulations to Leiya for her accomplishments.

Christine Thresh said...

Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Tanya, I hope you and Tetsu have a wonderful trip tomorrow! May you have a joyful reunion with Leiya and a safe homecoming. God's blessing...

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Congratulations! You have been richly blessed through your faith in Him. This will be the most joyful reunion!

Quilting Journey said...

So very beautiful, deep and rich in meaning for us all. Blessings to all of you during this special time of joy!