Count down before leaving for America (I still have 10 days but I'm running errands). Yesterday I bought cat food, dog food, cat sand and flea collars. Those alone are quite a hefty bill not to mention last week I had to take Mi and Chip into the vets for eye drops (Mi) and bladder infection (Chip) and pick up the special, EXPENSIVE food for Cleo and Velvet. My animals are my luxury in life.
Among other things I'll take to the States are sesame dressing for Marcy (my sister in law) and Leiya, fancy mechanical pencils for Leiya, something that Takumi ordered that he wants me to bring, and a quilt top to send to June (she's going to quilt it for me!)
Unfortunately a got a message from Takumi this weekend telling me that Marcy's mother is sick and has spent the last three weeks in the hospital. Oh dear. So I called my brother and talked to him and then called again earlier this week and talked with Marcy.
Please remember Marcy and her mother, Maxine in your prayers. Maxine is at my brother's house now and Marcy has the big job of caring for her and making arrangements for chemotherapy and treatments. She's also running ragged taking MY mom to doctor's appointments and keeping her somewhat connected with the rest of the family. Sort of like running a hospital. I wondered if it is a good thing or a bad thing that I am going to their house to add to the confusion (and Leiya is coming too!) but I can probably find some way to be of use. Last summer it was a lot of cleaning. This year maybe running errands (I'm good at that) and giving Marcy a sounding board to bounce her feelings off of.
Today I'm in the sewing room making a prayer quilt for Maxine.
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