Cats? They are not too thrilling but Mi trills!
All the cats when they see birds will make noises like "Khe-ke-ke-ke-ke~."
Chip, Toi and Cleo never say a word though Vel has a terribly masculine "Meow~ Meow~ Meow~." I have to remind myself that he is a FIXED male cat. I thought they stopped making all that noise.
"Hi Mi. You wanna help me?"
"Don't fall off the veranda."
"It's nice day isn't it. Good for laundry."
"Trrr~rrr. Trrr~rrr?"
Her inflection goes up and down like she's asking questions.
Isn't that trilling?
(I tried to upload a video of the cats talking but it looks like Blogger doesn't do that anymore. They ought to take the video button off the tool bar then...)
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