My poor mother-in-law. She has to deal with the challenges of independent living, poor health and a daughter-in-law sneaking up on her wielding a camera. She didn't actually tell me to stop yesterday (sometimes she does) and I took advantage of her good mood.
So what does her face tell you about her? I have heard the saying that up until age 40 your face is what God has given you but from 40 on, your face is what you make it... And I don't mean make-up! I mean that the smile wrinkles are there because the person smiles a lot or the worry lines are there because the person worries a lot. The extra rolls of flab may be due to too much overeating, the sparkle in the eye because of a curiosity about life.
When Tetsu's mother was young, she was a fiery oldest daughter that wasn't about to behave properly. She has related stories of getting her first hair permanent and being locked in the house by her father for weeks. She refused to marry the man her father had chosen and ran away from home to live at an aunt's house. Somewhere along the line she ended up in China during the war and was severely injured which disabled her for life and this has colored her world negatively. She hates her pronounced limp and shys away from meeting people or going out. Tetsu says his father often did the community and school tasks that the woman in a family would normally do just because his mother disliked having to socialize.
In Tetsu's youth, his parents were quite well off and Tetsu's mother acted and was treated like a pampered lady but not long before Tetsu's father died, the business went under and the "lady" was left with debts and bitterness. And none of her children turned out wealthy enough to keep her comfortable so now she shamefully lives alone in minimum surroundings. And to be truthful, her negativeness has kept all her children at a safe distance so that is why we "visit".
For all that, I think my mother-in-law is quite a beautiful lady for 88 and her face is etched with good memories and bad.
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