The director is Japanese but it is a Canadian movie (I think). I didn't know any of the actors except for the one Japanese elderly woman in it. It is listed as a comedy but it is more heartwarming than anything. I think it was shown on Japanese TV a couple of weeks ago and suddenly I had people from three different English classes telling me I needed to see it. We found it at the DVD rental store... (I found it. Tetsu claimed they didn't have it but I went to the counter and asked and was handed the one DVD in the store. Not greatly popular. Why is it that men don't want to just ASK?) ...and thoroughly enjoyed the movie about a Japanese grandma and her adult grandchildren living in the States.
I'm recommending Toilet to Leiya (as if she has any time to watch DVD's in her last days of college) and I thought I'd mention it to my blog friends too. The movie is in English so I don't know why the cover picture is written in Japanese. Anyway, look for a 2010 movie called Toilet or Toiretto directed by Naoko Ogigami. It might give you a laugh... You'll learn a little about Japanese toilets...
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