I don't especially like shopping. It seems that if we're out looking we ought to buy something just to justify the many hours we spend in the shops. In truth, there are a few things that I think I'd like to wear or have. But I always talk myself out of it and tell myself it costs too much. I'm not even sure what is too much. I think about prices in the States and say "I don't have to pay this much. I can find something on sale in the States." but I vaguely realize that when I'm talking about prices in the States my mind still goes back to how prices were 20 years ago. On the other hand I rarely buy anything when I'm California unless it's 50%, 70% off so my head gets confused with prices again. Japanese stores don't have sales like the California department stores, that's for sure!
Actually, the only place I feel comfortable buying anything is at the second hand shops. Both in Japan and in the States. It must be a guilt complex or something that tells me I can only buy something if I know I absolutely can't find it at a lower price.
I've already mentioned the depressing sizes I have to resort to in the Japanese stores. It's better not to look..
Another slightly interesting phenomenon I've noticed is that depending if I'm in the States or Japan, the type of clothes I wear (and buy) is different. The things I buy in California look odd when I'm in Japan. Too loud or too casual or something. Last year I wore a low cut shirt and shorts that I bought in California and a Japanese friend frankly told me I looked like a hussy. She was probably right for Japan (I chucked the shirt and wear the shorts when I walk Choco).
Thank you. My closet may not be interesting for blog visitors but thanks to you I got it cleaned up!
I detest shopping, particulariy for clothes, as I always end up feeling like a huge ugly elephant... I too live in jeans and T-shirts. I find the money and time friends spend on their wardrobe much better spent in a myriad of other pursuits. Your closet looks sufficiently stocked for your needs, and ever so much neater than mine!
I am with you I hate shopping, what a waste of time, and I pity you having to shop for cloths in Japan, on one of my trips to Japan I forgot to take something to sleep in so I went shopping, I had to buy mens PJ's because they didn't make womens big enough ( and I am not that big just average size in Australia)
I am sure you will have fun shopping in the States.
I agree with you,the clothes we wear have both a practical and in a way also a special meaning.Jeans is something I wear nearly every day,even in wintertime.My wardrobe has 2 types of clothes,one for summer and onr for winter because we have different types of seasons.Only some for special occasions.
And what a nice meeting you and youf friends have.So importnat to have time to talk and to change ideas.Enjoy your days with friends and your lovely daughter
I agree with you,the clothes we wear have both a practical and in a way also a special meaning.Jeans is something I wear nearly every day,even in wintertime.My wardrobe has 2 types of clothes,one for summer and onr for winter because we have different types of seasons.Only some for special occasions.
And what a nice meeting you and youf friends have.So importnat to have time to talk and to change ideas.Enjoy your days with friends and your lovely daughter
I've been thrilled to discover that Paris is filled with people wearing jeans, sweatshirts etc. I fit right in. It's not just the tourists that have gone casual. I look at people and am sure they must be American with their backpacks etc and nope, they're French. I'll just wear the clothes I have - I'm not buying any here.
I enjoyed this post, I can really relate to it. When we lived in NZ I had quite a few 'dressy' clothes, it fit my lifestyle. We went to the Gold Coast for a holiday, & I bought some clothes, which fit right in with the place & the holiday mode. When I got home, I couldn't think what had possessed me to buy such things! LOL. Jeans or trousers & loose tops for me. Light in summer, & warm in winter.
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