Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I'm always surprised that even though I don't have children in the house now, how busy my life can be! I don't work a 9:00 to 5:00 job and I'm not running kids around to lessons etc. but still I seem to be on the go all day and have very little to show for it.

Yesterday I was at the pre-school in the morning and then the kindergarten in the afternoon. Both places are having their Christmas program this Saturday and all the teachers are putting on the last touches for skits and songs. In the pre-school they're performing The Enormous Turnip in English and at the kindergarten each class is going to sing one song in English. Let's just say the teachers have a challenging job! I only come in once a week (and twice this week) and go through the songs, give some advice and leave the hard work of organizing the kids to the daily teachers.

So, the only thing worthy of a picture is this pile of quilts that Tetsu brought home for me. These are some of my quilts that he had taken to decorate the convalescent home with and they've been up on the walls for a couple weeks. I didn't really miss any except for a Wonky block for Tonya's class. On Saturday I wanted to work on that quilt awhile and I couldn't find the block! I know it's been a long time since my mind was on the Wonky quilt but surely not enough to completely lose the block! I checked shelves and drawers and closets and in the end decided that Tetsu had it. Sure enough, he'd taken it to show people and tacked it up on a wall. It is back home now with all the other quilts and this quilt is going to take priority next time I spend time in the sewing room.

Tetsu looked at this pile of quilts this morning and asked what I wanted done with them if I was ever taken off to heaven suddenly. (I hope he doesn't know something I don't know..) I said, let Leiya and Takumi have their pick and then donate them to the kindergarten bazaar. Where are your quilts headed someday?

And have you ever read the Quilter's Last Will and Testment on Bonnie's website? That really gave me a laugh and I've made copies for my quilting friends!


Shelina said...

Wow Tanya! I thought you were trying to throw in a quilting post after what you said about this blog not being very quilty. You made all of these quilts! That is so incredible. What a lovely stack of quilts it is too. All those beautiful colors and shapes, and such wonderful quilting. I'm especially intrigued by the purple one close to the bottom.

Luna said...

Oh, Tanya, I read your last post and be impressed, that you are in that magazine. great!
Yes you are really busy !There are so many quiltings And I think your blog is a real quilting blog, but also interesting for non-quilter.
That is good.
I like your knitted Pullover. You are so talented with all handicrafts.
Have a "quilty" day!

meggie said...

Your posts are wonderful, so no wonder you are 'famous'.
How nice to think Tetsu is so proud of your quilts.
I have not even thought about what happens to my quilts when I go... but then, I havent nearly as many as you!

Colleen Eskridge said...

Tonya, love the quilt photos. So good to be back in South Africa....have missed reading your posts. Loved the photos of your daughter...and your home. So very interesting. I did finally send off that photo of quilt to you. Hope you have it soon. Loved catching up on your world. Colleen

Anonymous said...

Do you ever sell your quilts? They're so beautiful that I'm sure someone will love to buy them! Lynn

Mary said...

That's a good question. I donate so many of my quilts but I still have have plenty for myself including 3 antique ones I've bought. I guess I'd like Keith to keep the ones he wants, let the boys have some and then the rest I'd like to go to my sisters. Deb doesn't particularly care for scrap quilts but Ann would probably like to have some (more) of my quilts.