How am I doing? First of all, I'm doing a great job of bending needles. Usually I don't have this problem and I don't know why I am this time. I almost always use Milward needles and I opened a new pack when I started to quilt the pieced border this week and already I've bent three needles beyond use. The light brown thread I bought too is fraying terribly after a few stitches, and I don't usually have this problem either. My friends tease me about the long strands of thread I use when I quilt (because I don't like threading needles?) but with this new thread I start sewing with barely a foot long piece and the outside coating of thread frays and bunches up at the eye of the needle when I pull it through the cloth. Let's say, quilting isn't going so smoothly but I am determined to overcome these obstacles! Shorter lengths of thread and more frequent changes of needles!
I'm glad for the When-oh-When which keeps me warm while I quilt it! The days are cold and icy and I swear we must need new insulation because the house is cold!
Your thread problem almost sounds like the twist is going the wrong way. Usually, I thread needles so that the end I cut from the spool is where I tie a knot at the end of the thread; the needle goes on the end furthest from the spool. That helps the twist lie smooth and helps it not to tangle so much. If you're already doing that, try reversing it. Though some threads are just obstreperous and nothing but using short lengths helps. Tyre silk is like that for me.
Your qeilting looks lovely. Good luck!
sounds like a quilting monster, but I know you can slay it :-)
I love the way your quilt is turning out. Could it be that you have a package of needles that just weren't manufactured properly? It's a thought anyway. Sometimes when I need a straight line and I don't want to make it I use masking tape, line it up where I want the line and quilt away. I do agree with you, no one will notice the wiggly lines - so quilt away!
It's been snowing here, and when I look at my neighbor's roofs, I can easily tell which ones need more insulation. Too bad I can't see my own roof from my house!
Your quilting looks wonderful, and I am still impressed that you are handquilting such a big quilt. I think I'll try to hand quilt my little circle quilt.
I'd try a new pack of needles. I had several defective packets from my favorite manufacturer and the eye of the needle hadn't been made properly - too small and a bit jagged. I finally tossed them all and am much happier now. Love your hand quilting with the eyeballed lines - looks great.
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