On Sunday Tetsu and I didn't go to church because Tetsu had an end of the fiscal year meeting with his convalescent home's board of directors and I had to attend the neighborhood general fiscal meeting. A few weeks ago we had a similar end of the year general meeting at the church and in the past I've attended PTA general meetings, jr. high club general meetings etc.
I came to Japan after reaching adulthood so I've never owned a home in the States, never attended a PTA meeting, never been a church member while living in the States, so for all I know this is how it is done everywhere. Is it? I can't recall my parents ever attending a meeting or complaining about them. I think there was a congregational meeting once at my mother's church while I was visiting but it was done in like 15 minutes and I doubt that papers were passed out and read aloud... I could be wrong.
Tetsu said it was the same at his meeting on Sunday too but he takes it all in stride. That's the way it's done. I would think someone could hand out papers a week or so ahead of time, tell everyone to read them, come to the meeting if you had questions or suggestions and then finish up the meeting in a couple of minutes or get on to more important things.
Interestingly, I am the only one in any of the meetings that can't read the dumb papers to begin with so I am the only one who really benefits from having everything read aloud I'm the last person who should complain...
Happy things.
I went to the nursery school yesterday and had a last class with the 5 year olds who will be going into elementary school next month. They gave me a lovely little poster of themselves and showered me with smiles and hugs.
Computer questions.
Computer questions.
There are a couple of regular commentators to my blog that are on no-reply (Brendalou?) but I've gone ahead and sent an e-mail reply to them anyway and the e-mails don't come back like they sometimes do when I make an address error when I write to my kids or someone. Usually, if an e-mail doesn't go through it comes back. How about these no-reply e-mails? (Brendalou, are you getting my replies?) And I was also told that someone was trying to comment but they couldn't but I don't know if that's my fault or their computer. What do you think? Last question. Occasionally someone wants a pattern of something I've shown, but I don't know how to put a hand drawn pattern on my blog besides just photographing or scanning it and pasting it in. But that doesn't make a page to the right dimensions... Any suggestions about putting a page or file link or something into a post?