"She's American just like you and is married to a Japanese man." Nope. Hadn't met her yet.
A month or so later someone else asks,
"Do you know Marlene? Her kids are about the same age as yours." Nope. Our paths haven't crossed.
And then months later,
"Do you know Marlene? Her husband does judo just like yours." Not yet.
When I finally met Marlene I felt like I knew all about her already!
After getting to know the Yamadas the two husbands started a judo club for children and every Thursday I'd take Takumi and Leiya to judo and then go to Marlene's to chat for a couple hours. All of our children and the two daddies would do judo and Marlene and I would cook dinner together and after judo we'd all eat together and chat until very late at night. I really loved those Thursday nights! It was nice to just talk in English and to compare stories and be assured that what I thought was strange about Japanese life didn't mean I was weird. Marelene more often than not felt the same way! In the past 15 years our two families have celebrated Thanksgiving together (American style!) and consulted each other about raising our families in our unique bicultural atmosphere.
It's so wonderful that you found a life long friendship with the Yamada's. I'm sure you will be sorry to see Marlene go, but who knows when your paths will cross again.
Rae Ann
Sounds like a wonderful shared friendship among your families and it's sad to have to see them move, I'm sure. The farewell party photos look like lots of fun was shared.
That's the BEST kind of party, relaxed and fun for everyone. I know you'll miss your friends when they move, you've enriched each other's lives for a long time. Best wishes.
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