I had this great idea that Kiana could make a baby quilt for a family friend's baby and we would whiz through a Wicked Easy Quilt in a couple of days. Better yet, Kiana would become entranced with the process of making quilts and I would start her on her lifelong journey of piecing and quilting. Not quite.
"Quilting? Maybe..."
Well, I needed to put together a baby quilt anyway and so I bought fabrics and pieced up a quilt. Easy Peasy. Marcy was so impressed by the speed that the quilt top went together and she got a few whiffs of fabric fragrance at Jo Ann's and was caught. Marcy bought up enough fabric for two quilts and I took her through the steps of roller cutting.
"Whew... I'll get it one of these days."
Marcy kept trying to figure out which line in which direction you line up your ruler with your cutting board. Ahh... I remember that was a bit of a challenge in my first few days of roller cutter. I'd forgotten.
Next to piecing. I kept handing pieces to Marcy and she flag sewed until we had 6 blocks made.
"Good, good. Now you can put them together in a pleasing way."
"Tani, this is hard. I don't know what is a pleasing way. You decide."
Finally the quilt got to flimsy stage. Yeah!!! Marcy was so pleased with the colors she'd picked out. Looking good! We took the flimsy back to Jo Ann's to look for backing and a couple shoppers commented on the beautiful quilt.
"Yes, well, my sister-in-law basically made it but I picked out the fabrics!"
"Are you doing to do Stitch-in-the-Ditch? Send it out for long-arm?"
Marcy looked blank an the quilter's lingo being thrown at her.

Back at home I directed Marcy on how to "sandwich" a quilt and down on the floor we go.
"Tanya, this is hard work! I'm sweating already!"
Finally a sandwiched quilt and I started in hand-quilting.
"Wow! That's a lot of work. How do you do that?"
Next the binding.
"And you call this an easy quilt, Tani? It seems difficult to me."
I recall one time when my friend suggested we go hiking on a "really easy trail." Easy! Easy for whom?! Maybe for someone who hikes weekly but not for me who doesn't even own a bonafide backpack. Maybe my description of an easy quilt was a bit misleading for a beginner...

By the time we got around to Marcy's second quilt she had roped Kiana into the process saying
"Auntie Tani wanted you to learn so come and learn."
I have a feeling Marcy is NOT going to take up quilting as a hobby.
With Kiana too, she didn't understand about 1/4 inch seams and tweaking fabric to match up seams and what started out as an easy quilt became a mildly frustrating quilt because of all the re-sewing we did. I didn't want to be too exacting and kill any enthusiasm that my students might still have but... Finally we determined that the receiver would probably be thrilled with the "hand-made" tucks and gaps anyway and strove for "finished" not "perfection".

We're still working on the "easy" quilts. One down, one to go.
I don't know if Marcy and Kiana are ever going to try quilting again!!