This was made for my mother who was so entranced by the fabrics June sent to California. I found I had a few more prints that people have sent me over the years and with very little repeat I was able to make the 35 blocks.
Look at this hodge podge back! Lorraine had sent me a "kitty newspaper" fabric that seemed a shame to cut up so I cut a "page" and added it as extra reading material for my mother.
I also made an I SPY list for her to check out and play around with.
And if truth be told, my quilting had wrinkles and a couple folds in the back. I spent a good hour taking out one whole corner that just would not pass even my usual laisez faire attitude... BUT! I found I had this cross stitch piece that I had made YEARS ago from a kit and after I'd finished I didn't know what to do with it. Hey! Old cross stitch pieces make excellent cover-ups for machine quilting bloopers!
This is ready to send to my mother. I hope she'll enjoy many hours looking at it!
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