Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween decorations
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Good Witch
Monday, October 29, 2007
School lunch monitors
In most elementary schools in Japan, lunch is prepared in the school kitchens and all students are required to eat the school lunch. No bag lunches are allowed which is handy for the mothers and gives the kids a chance to acquire a taste for different dishes. A monthly menu is handed out just so mothers won't give their family the same evening meal I suppose. I always found the menus handy for planning my own meals though some of the combinations were a bit odd. Grilled fish and sweet buns for instance. Even though the schools have kitchens, they don't have a lunch room which means that each class eats lunch in their own classroom. According Yasuaki, there are 8 lunch monitors for each class (average 30 kids to a class) and each child takes a one week turn.
When my kids were in school I remember that there was a rule that you could leave one thing on your plate (but only one) if you didn't like it. This was a real headache for Leiya who was a picky eater. Leave the vegetables, the fish or the salad today? Nowadays, Yasuaki-kun said that most teachers won't let you leave anything or at the very most you must divide the portion and not touch part of it so that you can give it to someone who likes it and you must eat your small portion. I asked some of the neighbor boys what their favorite school lunch was and unanimously the answer was "Curry Rice!" When I asked what they liked least there were a variety of answers, "Seaweed salad!" "Cheese!" "Sweet Bean Jelly!" You can see that school lunch is somewhat different from American school lunches!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
On your mark...
Friday, October 26, 2007
Vegetables and other necessities
Next to those are a vegetable called hayato uri. Who knows what these are called in English. (I checked. It's called a Chayote. Do you know what that is? I don't.) They are from the cucumber family but certainly don't taste like cucumbers. The neighbor who gave them to me said she makes pickles so last night I made some overnight pickles and then another type of pickle that I'll serve tonight with dinner. I tried the one batch this morning and they weren't what I'd called a delicacy. I hope tonight's are better. I have eaten delicious hayato uri pickles so I know I'm just not doing something right, it is not the vegetable's fault...
And finally, in the wire basket those are persimmons. Persimmons abound in northern Japan and there are many different kinds. These are quite sweet and juicy. Some persimmons have to be dried before they are edible and some are flat and eaten crisp. When my kitchen starts to get an overabundance of persimmons (like chestnuts, all farmers seem to have one or two persimmon trees and my students bring them to me) then I make persimmon cake which my Japanese friends seem to really like. Tetsu may get these eaten before I can turn them into a cake.
While I may not be buying fruit and vegetables, I certainly bought a lot today in the way of ingredients for Halloween cookies that I have on my to do list for this weekend. You may recall that my oven bakes 9 to 12 cookies at a time and since I've got 40 kids in the pre-school to give cookies to (for Halloween) on Monday and 120 kids at the kindergarten on Wednesday, you can see I've got my work cut out for me!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I sometimes wonder how effective these little $1 gauze masks are. They are made of at least 8 layers of gauze with another interchangeable gauze piece inside and they have soft elastic bands that slip over the ears. I thought germs and viruses were small enough to pass through cloth weave and fibers but I suppose masks can prevent flying germs from sneezing and coughs. If nothing else, you know the person who is wearing one is probably not feeling up to par (and can keep your distance?) and probably is a very conscientious person.
For me, speaking with someone who wears a mask is somewhat of a challenge. Not that I read lips or anything, but seeing someone's facial expressions is very helpful when understanding a topic if you don't quite understand all the vocabulary, (another reason why I don't especially like the telephone) but all that is hidden under those layers of gauze. Masks are also slightly annoying when trying to understand or correct a student's English pronunciation so in class I usually say "take off the mask and give us your germs!"
For all you people with colds "Odaijini!" "Take care of yourself!"
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Hiromi's artwork
Thank you so much Hiromi! Hope to see you again this New Year's!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Animal woes
When I think of all the money we pour into our pets I can understand why some people think pet owners are nuts. There are the vet bills, the special food (for the cat's urinary problems) the treats and toys, the food, the blankets and leashes, the food, the dishes and collars, and the food! I sometimes think that though I don't spend much money on clothing, jewelry or make-up, my luxury items are my pets and I spend a wallop on them!!
Then there is the effort that it takes to have animals. The dog has to be walked at least once a day, hopefully twice (for Choco, hopefully three times!) I constantly check out the window to see if Choco is sleeping peacefully or else I'm shushing her up and telling her to sleep peacefully! The cats have to be given equal share of love and petting and they demand attention time when I'm cooking, teaching, and sewing! Do I even mention the amount of vacuuming I do, the cat balls on the stairs, the three cat boxes?
Then there is the damage control! Choco barks too much so we have to find a place where she won't disturb the neighbors. She digs so we buy gravel and part of Tetsu's morning routine is to refill the holes Choco has made the day before. She rips up blankets and pillows that we provide for her comfort so there is yard clean-up.
This weekend I felt sorry for Choco because as it turns colder she is left in a yard that gets no sun.
"No, put the house on the other side of the kennel. How about bricks in front of the dog house so that she has a terrace? Maybe you should cut back the tree so that she gets more light. Are you sure she isn't going to get wet if it rains?"
Tetsu was grumbling that I spend a lot more time thinking about the comfort of our animals than I do about his.
For all of that I wouldn't be without a dog or cat (or two or three or four or five) for all the money in the world. They bring a smile to my face on the gloomiest days and I really believe animals have calming powers! (Tell me that when I'm out chasing Choco or yelling at a cat to stay away from the dinner table!)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Citizenship etc.
Foreigners are foreigners. Whether they are born in another country and choose to live in Japan because of work or marriage, they keep the citizenship of their mother country. Foreigners born in Japan (such as missionary children or children who are born here while their parents are here because of residence) have the citizenship of their parents. They do not automatically get Japanese citizenship. Children who have Japanese and foreign parents have dual citizenship until they are 20. That is another long post... I have heard that it is possible to change your citizenship to Japanese citizenship but I've never met anyone who has done this though I know of one sumo wrestler who did. At any rate, I think he was a national hero.
Of course in Japan there is citizenship registration, kokuseki. I have American citizenship, Tetsu has Japanese and the kids have dual citizenship. There is also something called family registration, koseki tohon, and I am registered as Tetsu's wife on his family registration. These are records that can be used to trace the family's roots back quite a ways. In the koseki tohon all births, marriages, divorces, deaths etc. are recorded. It seems very confusing to me so I may have some of these details wrong but the important thing is I am listed as Tetsu's wife on his family register.
Then we get to the resident registration records called jyumin hyo. This is something completely different and you must register with the city office to say that you live in a certain place. The glitch here is that foreigners are not allowed to go on the resident registration (the city office will make a "memo" if the foreigner is head of the household) so in essence Tetsu is unmarried and our two children have no mother. I find this slightly humorous though I know some foreigners think it an unforgivable slight by the Japanese government. It has never given us a lot of problems. True, when Takumi was a baby someone from a welfare office came to see how the "motherless" family was getting along but I didn't particularly take offense. I think another time Takumi needed his resident registration form for something and asked me to pick it up at the city office for him but they wouldn't give it to me. Who am I? No one sounding like me written on the form so they wouldn't hand it out to a "stranger".
The only other annoyance I can think of occurs a few times a year (and again just last night which is why I'm writing this post today). Last night someone called around 8:30 and when I answered they asked to speak to Tetsu (referring to him by a different pronunciation of his name so I had a hint of what organization was calling). When I corrected them they said they were from a "companion and marriage service".
"Mr. Watanabe is my husband so I don't think he needs a companion and marriage service."
Oh my! Did they apologize fast and hang up!
My friend, Marlene (also married to a Japanese) says that her husband gets calls like this fairly often too and we realized that someone has got access to the resident registration records and they are calling the poor men who have no wife and need someone to take care of them in their old age. A marriage service! Tetsu can get quite incensed when he gets a phone call like this. Last night's person was quite fortunate that I answered.
"Who was on the phone?" Tetsu asked when I came back.
"Someone wanting to know if you need a companion or want them to introduce you to a wife. You don't do you?" and I gave him a kiss.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Shiori speaking

One of the first days she was here, I took her to my calligraphy class. We wrote the character tsuki (it means moon) and tora (it means tiger). Chayelle did very well and I was surprised. I tried to write the same characters but mine weren't so good. And I'm the Japanese! Maybe the reason is because I usually write smaller characters...
Another thing we did was to go shopping. Whenever we went to a store, Chayelle wanted to take pictures in a vending machine. It is a lot of fun and we could decorate our pictures ourselves with drawings and words. In Japanese, the vending machines are called purikura. We took many different kinds of pictures. Almost 70 sheets!
While Chayelle was staying with us I had a bit of culture shock. For one thing, my family usually eats a lot of vegetables and fish but Chayelle said that she hated fish! That was a problem! Besides that, we also often make salads, but Chayelle didn't eat any! What she did eat was a lot of meat, chocolate pretzels, little jellies, sweet rice balls and rice balls. We were worried about her diet but she was happy because she said she lost weight while she was in Japan.
Before I met Chayelle I thought all foreigners were very friendly and chatty, but Chayelle was rather shy and quite considerate of other people's feelings and the situations around her. The last two or three days that Chayelle was in Japan, we became very close and very silly together. Chayelle taught me tongue twisters in English and took many crazy photos of herself. I had a very good time with her and I think we became very good friends!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Finished quilts
And maybe you all recognize this though the picture isn't that great. YEAH!!! The kindergarten bazaar quilt is finished!!! Tomorrow it will be given to the kindergarten mothers in charge of the raffle and by 2:00 will be in the hands of the fortunate winner!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wild Mountain Vegetable
I checked in the dictionary and found that the definition for mukago is "a bulbil". That doesn't tell you a lot does it? I checked "bulbil" and the definition is "a small bulb-like structure, especially in the axil of a leaf, which may fall to form a new plant." Except for the fact that I don't know what an axil is either I think you get the idea. In this case, the mukago is from the vine of a Chinese yam and they just hang there and are very easy to collect. I've seen people in the woods following the vine and then digging up the yam too, but I'm satisfied with the mukago.
Next time you're in the woods (in Japan at least) check the vines and see if there are any mukago and then go make a pot of rice!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Flower arranging

The idea was that after class, we would go home with the flowers hopefully arrange them again in our own low dish and steel block and have a breathtaking display to put in the Japanese alcove that all Japanese houses have for displaying flowers, scrolls and artistic pieces of pottery (the tokonoma). Unfortunately, my flower arrangement never looked anything like what the teacher had made at the flower arranging class and besides I lived in the back room of the center where I worked and didn't have a tokonoma or anything except a corner of a sink. My flower arranging days didn't last very long.
Even today, though I have a tokonoma, I use it for practical purposes like a place for a bookcase and file cabinet. No art displayed anywhere. And though I've tried my hand at brightening the room with flowers (just yesterday someone gave me a gorgeous bouquet!) the cats like to eat the Baby's Breath and other small blooms and leaves, so flowers get pretty ragged quickly in my house.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Morning walk
On our morning walks, Tetsu and I meet quite a lot of people although we start out at a little before 6:00 am. Recently it is barely getting light when we start out and almost every morning Tetsu tries to convince me that we should wait until later (knowing full well we need to be back home by 7:00) or if it is drizzling he'll put up an argument for forgetting about it all together and going back to sleep. I'm one of those people who decide if I've made a committment to something I'm going to do it come hell or high water! You know who Choco sides with. So off on our walks we go no matter what the sky looks like.
Of course the farmers must be up since before dawn and during the summer we would be awakend by the sound of tractors, but even now they are out in the fields putting up hot houses or working in them, burning leaves etc. Most every morning we meet the same people on our walks. The elderly people out to get their exercise ambling along with canes and radios so that they can listen to the news as they walk. Couples (like us) out for a brisk stroll (all around our age... starting to worry about cholesterol probably.) High school kids who have to bike about 20 minutes to the station or jr. high kids in their gym clothes bicycling to school for early morning sport practice.
Here are some of the friendly people that we meet daily.
Monday, October 15, 2007
You Make Me Smile Award
"Ayumi-chan. Give me the doggie (drawing). No, here Ayumi-chan. Give to me. Not the crayon. The doggie. Ayumi-chan, don't suck the fabric. Bring it to me! Good girl!!!"
Thanks to the mothers who also helped draw pictures we did end up with some cute little blocks! Ironed them all down (sort of strange placements but that's where the kids put the blocks so I didn't change
Connie tagged me for the "You Make Me Smile Award" even though I was tagged last week too. I see, the award has morphed again, and I don't suppose I have to write things about myself with the first letters of my name. I'll just say thank you and give the names of blogs that make me smile too. As I said before, you all make me smile but I especially laugh out loud and smile when I see the pictures of your sweet pets. So... I name...
From the Strawberry Patch -- Hannes and Turbo
Lazy Gal Quilting -- Lily, Habibi, Howler and Pokey
Quilting Rush -- Roogrr and Disco
Blogging, Near Philadelphia -- Bodacious, (Fig and Survivor)
Life's Free Treats --Honey and Leo
And Sew it is -- Amos
Making Scrap Quilts from Stash -- Chesty
Quiltville's Quips -- Sadie, Buddy, Oscar and Emmy Lou
The Dutchlady -- Toby and Paula
Tazzie Quilts -- Holly
Quilting with Ragdolls -- Pixel and Noodle
Kusanohana -- Kanna
Aby Quilts -- Frieda
Oops. I did forget RB and Rhapsody at The Calico Cat!
I know that's more than the alloted 5 or 7 or whatever, and I certainly hope I haven't forgotten any of my other animal pals. I guess I'm not going to relay the message but if any of you notice your furry friends' (no offense to Fig and Survivor, Toby and Paula) names please feel fee to consider yourself tagged.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Great Pumpkin, where are you?
Marlene lives in the next town over and we have been friends for nearly 15 years. Her husband is also Japanese and we both came to Japan around the same time. Our kids have grown up together and when everyone lived at home we would often have Thanksgiving dinners together. Nowadays we only seem to have time for a quick lunch or coffee together.
Marlene also teaches English in her home and every year has a big Halloween party and her English kids look forward to Halloween decorations as mine do. So... What we need are Halloween jack-o'lanterns! Every year around this time we start looking for pumpkins but it is not as easy as you might think. So far this year, neither of us has found a pumpkin so Marlene thought we'd have more luck out in my farming area than in her more populated town so we went on our treasure hunt together. (Her neighbor, Mrs. Waki, went along to watch how nutsy foreigners can get.)
Some years I've found pumpkins in some one's field and gone up to the farmhouse and scared the poor farmer worse than any Halloween ghost might have.
"Excuse me. You seem to have pumpkins. Would you sell me one or two?"
The farmer was so surprised to have a foreigner come to his door that he just gave them to me. (Marlene has even better luck. She's blond!)
A couple of years ago Marlene found some big yellow pumpkins being used for autumn decorations at the grocery store that were not for sale but she convinced the manager that he wouldn't have any use for them after Halloween anyway and she needed them now.