Look at my poor kitty! Chip isn't feeling too well today and it is all because of mean ol' me! She got taken to the vets for her little girl operation. One night stay over and I brought her back yesterday afternoon. She seems a little sore and doesn't move around very much. I guess I wouldn't either if I were her! Sorry, it is part of what happens to animals if you're are going to live at my house. I'm giving Chip a lot of loving but she prefers to hide out in her cat box away from the rest of the feline population. So now I've got two hiding cats, Velvet (I don't know what his problem is) and Chip. I'm sure she'll be up and around soon though.
After much consideration I have decided to go ahead with my Winding Ways arrangements. I checked out some of the recommendations for making Winding Ways with more visible "blades" but I wanted to go for the melded look this time. You know where things sort of flow together and you're not really sure you are seeing circles or not. Sort of a middle of the road arrangement. If I can't see the circles at all then I'll be disappointed but if I can see them too clearly then I'll feel I'm not being artistic. I don't understand my own reasoning so don't worry if you don't either. This picture looks a lot like the one of two days ago but I did add and rearrange a little bit. On to sewing!
Between classes yesterday I sewed two blocks. Oh gosh, this is hard! The curves don't go the way I want and it is slow going. The centers are hard to match up too. Well, too bad. I've started and hopefully I'll get better as I go along. I'd like to put together two blocks a day but we'll see. If I get on a roll I may go the distance this weekend. If not then I may be plugging away throughout February.
Love Chip's tee shirt! I wish the vets here would do that. When Wabi got her surgery she ripped the stitches out--it was impossible to keep her from messing with them--and I ended up freaking out and calling the vet on a Sunday. Something like this would have solved the problem. The Japanese are so ingenious!
Poor little Chip, I know what she's going thru! Dora will get her turn next month. Prayers for Chip...love your new quilt. Yes, they are difficult to piece, but worth it!!
Poor Chip! I showed my husband and we both laughed a bit at the intricate bandaging; it's positively elegant with the fur diamond pattern along the back.
Vis kitties hiding, we had a cat who hid under the sideboard for a year when we brought new cats into the household. She started losing her fur, too, poor thing. We fed her under there and started giving her nutrimalt, which she loved, every day, and that helped her coat and her confidence and she eventually emerged none the worse. Some sort of special treat might help Velvet too..
Vis curves, IMO the easiest way to handle them is to mark the centers, pin ends, then centers (then quarters if the curves are large) then ease ease ease the curves in and pin like crazy. I'm not even sure all that pinning really takes longer because when you stitch that seam it goes really well.
Poor Chip, bandaged up like a mummy. When my kitty had her operation all she had was a little bald spot where they shaved her and 2-3 stitches....no fancy mummy suit. Must be a Japanese thing I guess. The same cat once hid out in the basement for two years when we got another cat. Just a cat thing I guess.
Poor Chip. When we got Stray Girl fixed this week they put all the stitches in so they didn't show on the outside, and they were the dissolving kind so she didn't have to go back to have them removed. I'm not sure how that's done, but the stitches are completely ivisible on the outside - all you see are the two edges of the incision butting together. No bandages (but they DID shave her whole belly, poor thing!); however, they told me if she started licking the area too much, they would put an E collar on her - the cone things that attach around their necks. I'm not sure which would be worse for a cat - the E collar or Chip's tee shirt!
Don't lose patience on the winding ways quilt. It's going to be lovely. Do you sew your curved seams by laying the piece that curves upward on the top? This makes it easier to pin and ease in. The mnemonic I use to remind myself is "smile!" since the top piece curves upward!
I love, love, love! the wrap that Chip is wearing! Our Lizzie had her little girl surgery and managed to pull out her stitches twice. She could wriggle out of an Elizabethan collar that was attached to a harness! We had to take shifts holding her, 24/7, for two days, for her to heal. I'm showing my vet this picture!
We were lucky we got Chesty after his *operation*.
I'm sure the winding ways will look lovely when you're done.
Poor Lil Chip. In a couple of days she will be back to her normal self. They seem to heal faster than we humans. I love your winding ways! I know sewing the pieces is real hard. I have a special foot attachment, that sew curves. Put the fabric inbetween, and sew, the foot does everything, you just glide the fabric through.
Rae Ann
Poor Chip! Hope shes feeling happier soon. Jimmy had his little operation about 2 weeks ago and is still sulking!!!
oh little mummy girl. so sad and yet so sweet. boy, didn't get anything like that when my girl kitties were operated on and we were even in Egypt!
Chip has a very cute body suite. I'm an ICU/Recovery technician at a veterinary surgery in Texas & really like the T-shirt your Veterinary made for Chip. We do many types of abdominal surgeries that require special drains & must be covered so the patients can't chew them out. We use baby t-shirts as well as fabric e-collars. Cats & small dogs can slide out of t-shirts because their heads are so tiny. I'll show the surgeons your pictures and see if they like the style of body suite. I may be e-mailing you.
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